Oh my goodness.
I have had the most stressful week with my blog.
If you noticed, it was completely gone for a while. I honestly logged in one day and nothing was showing up! Naturally, I freaked, and cried, and stressed. I had no idea what happened and I had no idea how to fix it. Well, this morning I logged back in and it's back, but with no 'dot com' though, which I still don't know how to fix either. I have no idea what happened but I had been having a lot of trouble with my server host as well as with blogger so I figured now is the best time to upgrade and get a new website.
I'm going to keep this one for now and not update but I will let everyone know when my new website is up and ready. I've been working hard on it already and I'm really excited for what's to come and the direction it's going to take.
Thanks to those who contacted me asking what happened. Meant a lot and I heard some encouraging words from you all and I greatly appreciate it.
Hope you all are just as excited as I am for what's coming!
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